Mystical Magical Crystal Remedies
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Soul Remedies Mind Remedies Chakra Remedies
The minerals and crystals found in our Earth Mother are truly magical especially in the form of an eixir! They hold delicate yet powerful healing vibrations!
For thousands of years, people have tapped into this power by wearing them, praying with them, cleansing the environment with them, and using them in a bath, topically on their skin and internally in the form of an elixir. To me this is the most powerful and effective form!
They are amazing for all types of mind/body/soul balancing. They can be very transformational! The vibrations from crystals and minerals help stabilize and reset our energy systems helping our physical, emotional, mental and soul bodies maintain balance.
They are hand-crafted by me with lots of love and magical energy.
If you'd like to use multiple remedies at once, I recommend selecting one from each category rather than combining two remedies from the same category, such as Soul, Mind, or Chakra remedies. Each remedy is carefully designed to transform the specific energy it targets, so giving them space to work individually ensures the best results.
If you are struggling on any level, they can lift your vibration and increase your level of attraction. Why wait? Expand your consciousness… reveal your Spirit!
All remedies are 2 ounces. They are very potent! Each bottle could last 2 months or more if you take it everyday.
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Disclaimer: Cyndy DiBeneditto or All is Well inc is not responsible for any side effects from taking these remedies. All remedies are taken at your own risk. By purchasing these remedies you agree to these terms.