Helping Women Master their Intuition, Mindset and Body Temple to Live the Life they were Meant to Live using the Ancient Healing Arts!
I'm Cyndy Ditto
Everyday Mystic
Medicine Woman
About Me...
I spent my entire life as a mystic and a creative.
From a very young age I practiced the creative arts… music, art, dance and more. It was my passion to express my soul in these ways and use my creations to uplift and inspire people.
Then one day I was struck with a life changing mystery illness.
When someone finally diagnosed me the prognosis was grim. I was told I would be deaf and incapacitated in a few years and that there was no cure.
Being a musician, artist and performer that was NOT an option!
I KNEW my soul's purpose… to inspire and uplift people through the creative and holistic healing arts. How could I do that if I lost my hearing and my balance permanently?
So I embarked on a journey of self discovery…
listening to my higher self and connecting to the great creator, (AKA source energy, God, the universe etc…) through activities that put me in that “zone” .
Not just meditation, but all activities that put me in a state of joy and timelessness.
Through these activities I got signs about what avenues to pursue which led me to all types of holistic practitioners, each one helping me put the pieces of my healing puzzle together.
But ultimately I healed myself because I never gave up on my soul’s purpose.
It was a wonderful road of learning, implementing, experimenting and seeing results. Finally I found a lifestyle that worked for me! I went from being completely out of balance in mind body and soul to living a passionate life… healthy on all levels.
Decades later, I am not deaf and incapacitated as predicted.
Instead, I co-own a holistic healing arts company, All Is Well Inc. For over 2 decades I have been providing one-on-one coaching to hundreds of women in my community with great results.
I also actively enjoy a professional music and artistic career.
I am so grateful to Spirit for guiding me every step of the way. I still follow a holistic lifestyle. It saved my life, gave me a deep understanding of this physical life experience and brought me joy.
The lesson I learned….
I must overcome who I am NOT… including challenges and preconceived ideas I've learned about myself along my journey… so I can become who I truly AM in Spirit… body, mind and soul!